Watch Rotten on Netflix


January 30, 2018

We highly recommend the second episode of the Netflix series Rotten. It is called “The Peanut Problem” and it is available for streaming on-demand. This is by far one of the most balanced and accurate programs I have seen related to this complex topic of food allergies. It should be mandatory viewing for all those who are involved in the day to day care of food allergic children. Teachers, daycare workers, restaurant cooks and servers, and family members such as grandparents would all learn and benefit from viewing this episode. Just a word of caution to parents of young children with food allergies: I would recommend screening the program first before watching together as a family, as some of the personal stories are very intense and frightening.

Dr. Lieberman

This entry was posted in on January 30, 2018 by AENT Team.

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