AISD public hearing on health services


June 19, 2018

advocacyanaphylaxisepinephrinefood allergy

Last night, AISD held a public hearing on health services RFP (request for proposal). Dr Lieberman along with parents from AFFA were given the opportunity to provide public comments in 2 minute statements. Our statements were made before the school trustees supporting the need for a nurse on each and every AISD school campus.

Unfortunately it appears the situation may be similar to last year and there will not be a nurse on each campus when the school year starts in a few months. AISD again will be the only local school district and the only major city in Texas not to have a full time nurse at all the schools.


Public comments delivered last night:

“As an allergist with a specialty in children with food allergy, I have witnessed firsthand the current food allergy epidemic. The numbers keep rising with no end in sight. Surveys estimate about 8% of school age children have a food allergy and for AISD this translates into 6500 students. Studies report 16-18% of children have experienced an allergic reaction while at school and up to 25% may experience their first reaction at school.

The numbers and facts are not pretty; many vulnerable children are at risk.

The management of food allergies depends on careful avoidance. If an accidental exposure occurs, prompt recognition and treatment with epinephrine are the keys to a successful outcome. If the reaction is not promptly recognized and the onset of treatment delayed, tragedies occur. The single biggest risk factor for a food allergy fatality is a delay in the use of epinephrine.

Yes, children die when epinephrine is not administered in a prompt and correct manner. Seconds truly matter in a food allergy emergency. Years ago, AISD was ahead of the curve and began to provide stock epinephrine in its schools even before passage of SB 66. To have the epi in the schools but not the nurses there to administer makes no sense.

Parents have a reasonable expectation their children will be safe at school.. There are drills for fire safety, weather alerts, active shooter and vehicle safety. Food allergy parents have all these worries and concerns AND also the fear their children may experience a severe life threatening event. Having a nurse on campus is vital to the safety and well-being of these children.”

This entry was posted in advocacy, anaphylaxis, epinephrine, food allergy on June 19, 2018 by AENT Team.

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