Asthma clinical research study


February 7, 2019


If you are interested and would like to learn more, please contact Sirius Clinical Research at 512-345-8900 or go to

About the Study:

This study is testing the safety and efficacy of an investigational treatment for asthma in comparison to already FDA approved QVAR® inhaler and placebo. The study medication being evaluated is a potential generic version of an already approved medication. If enrolled in the study, participants can expect to spend up to 6 weeks in the study, including an initial screening and baseline visit followed by scheduled clinic visits.

To pre-qualify for this study, you must:
• Be between 18 and 70 years of age
• Diagnosed with asthma for at least one year
• Must be on a stable dose asthma treatment for the past four weeks

Qualified participants, will receive:
• Study related medications
• Office visits and examinations at no cost
• Compensation for time and travel may be provided

Health insurance is not needed to participate.


What is a clinical research study?

A clinical research study tests the safety and efficacy of an investigational medicine or treatment in a population of volunteers. Every medical breakthrough goes through the clinical trial process, so participants like you play a very important role in advancing medicine for present and future generations.

Why should I participate?
• Take an active role in your treatment
• Contribute to medical research and help to shape the future of asthma treatments
• All study related medications, office visits and examinations are free

How are my rights and safety protected as a patient during a clinical trial?

Protecting the health and safety of people who take part in clinical trials is the highest priority for clinical researchers throughout the entire study process. All clinical trials follow strict federal guidelines on how volunteers must be treated.

Can I leave the clinical trial before it ends?

You have the right to leave a clinical trial at any time, for any reason. If you decide to leave a trial, talk to your doctor first. You will want to know how leaving the trial might affect your health and what other treatment options may be available.

How can I learn more about this study?

More information on this clinical trial can be found at

If you are interested and would like to learn more, please contact Sirius Clinical Research at 512-345-8900 or go to

This entry was posted in Asthma, research on February 7, 2019 by AENT Team.

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